Student Reviews & Evaluations (Links)

  • “Dr. Willett is by far one of my favorite professors. I feel like I learn so much when he teaches, and he teaches in a way that is very clear., to the point, and encouraging. I always feel comfortable coming to Dr. Willett with any questions and I am always excited when I see that he is lecturing us. Dr. Willett did a great job presenting lecture material in a coherent and concise manner that maximized learning. He has been one of my favorite professors this semester. His slides are simple and easy to understand, and he makes sure to focus on what matters when it comes to diagnosing and treating. The example cases/practice have been so helpful to my learning and I highly recommend that the program makes time for those in future lectures. Dr. Willett is one of the best lectures I have had so far in the program. He was so clearly knowledgeable about the subject matter, but also presented in a way that was very easy to digest by presenting with simple, straightforward slides, He is willing to answer questions and was very flexible as an instructor.”

    Chapman student 2024

  • “Dr. Willett is the most amazing professor. His slide decks are always so clear and he presents the material beautifully. He brings the perfect combination of being a professor who we hold so much respect for while also being a friend! He always supplied us with so many supplementary resources and obviously wanted us to succeed.”

    Chapman student, 2023

  • “Dr. Willett was a phenomenal professor this trimester! I learned so much from him, and I think he does an amazing job. of teaching what is pertinent and relevant to the PANCE/test-taking but also, what we need to know for real-world clinical practice. I feel very prepared after being taught EENT by him and was really appreciative of his great slides., his energy, his knowledge, and willingness to help. Dr. Willett makes the class very engaging and I usually lose track of time, and I feel like his lectures go by so quick. I really hope he is able to come back and teach more medical modules, as he did a great job of teaching and making sure we knew everything that was relevant, clinically applicable, and genuinely helpful!”

    Chapman student 2024